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Heal Your Mother Wound

In this course, We dive deep helping you to unlock your true potential and power!

  • Ended
  • 454 US dollars
  • zoom meeting

Service Description

Whether you had a great or challenging relationship with your mother,there is wounding around how you show up in the world, due to this being the foundation of your relationship with yourself! Because let’s face it all women are human beings with flaws and it goes back generations… the mother wound is pain of being a woman passed down through generations. Conditioning is passing down belief systems, dysfunctional coping mechanisms used to process pain. Causing a sense of comparison not good enough. Sense of shame thinking you’re flawed. Feeling the need to play small please others. Guilt around wanting more than you currently have. This Manifesting in self sabotage, excessive care taking, eating disorders, addictions allowing yourself to be treated poorly by others and so much more. Also showing up in your own parenting (how you mother) even with out having kids it can show up in relationships with your clients, friendships, intimate relationships etc. The mother wound effects many areas of our lives like… 🦄 How we feel about our own body. 🦄 Our relationship with food. 🦄 What we feel capable of doing/creating in the world. 🦄 How much abundance and flow we allow in our lives. 🦄 Our relationship with money, finances and our business! 🦄 Our relationships and even sex. In this course we dive deep into all of this, helping you unlock your true potential and power. Releasing those patterns no longer serving you and helping you step into your most magical empowered self! We start Feb or you could sign up for the 6 month reclaim your inner goddess (bad bitch) this will be what we do the first 8 weeks or even better sign for 1:1 mentorship and the 6 month course is included free! 🤯 Are you ready send me a DM with questions or for the link to sign up! 💋

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